Times of testing
Brings a blessing
That might come with a disguise.
It’s arrival
As a trial
Can’t be viewed with carnal eyes.
Look for meaning
In the weaning
And the pruning that takes place.
There’ll be laughter
Soon thereafter
Cause you’ll see your Savior’s face.
He’ll be smiling
And beguiling
You to lean upon His breast.
Then the testing
And the blessing
Will confirm that God knows best.
Juanita DeHart
Houston , TX
I found this on my in internet
travels and liked it,
so I decided to share it
Very nice. It is sometimes hard to realize that "times of testing" bring "blessings". However, if we have patience, it will happen.
Aunt Karen, your right, sometimes I have to stop and refocus and just that makes the travels so much easier.
Candi, I just saw this post today and it was on the perfect day!! Thanks!
Hey Sis, I'm glad you liked the poem. Thanks for all you do. I love you, Candi
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